Holiday Teacher Wishlists

This season I am sharing the wishlists from Title 1 teachers and educators in the TIBAL community. These teachers see all kinds of children, many of whom don’t have someone at home who are able to find and make use of other community resources. I have asked these teachers to include anything that may help any of their students this time of year. From throwing a holiday party to just making sure they have a snack if they need one. I am so appreciative of all the good this community continues to do. Thanks for supporting kids and teens in underserved populations this year.

Due to an outpouring of need and support, please see the comment section for wishlists and ways to donate. If you are an educator working with an underserved population please feel free to leave a comment with your wishlist.

When adding your comment please include the url to you wishlist in the COMMENT section. If you enter it in the website field, it will hyperlink your name.

Monthly Top 5


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